What I Ate Wednesday…

Hi friends!

Sorry to be MIA these past few days. I’ve been busy doing photography-related things and spending my evenings with Kyle and so I haven’t had time for blogging. I notice that when I don’t blog for a while, I end up losing my passion for it and it’s always harder to start up again. I’ve been writing here for around three years now, and sometimes I feel like there isn’t that much for me to talk about or I’m in a funk with cooking and don’t feel like having my food ready at 5:30 p.m to get that pretty lighting for photos.

To combat those sentiments, I’m writing a WIAW post. I haven’t participated in What I Ate Wednesday for months, but there’s something about sharing my daily eats that gets me more excited to share actual recipes. They also meld together the day-in-the-life rambles that you guys have asked me to post more of and food (<3), so it seems like the perfect fit! If you guys like, I can make this a weekly shebang!

Breakfast: gala apple + pb

I wasn’t too hungry when I woke up this morning, so breakfast was super light. I’ve been going through an apple and peanut butter obsession and I’ve been eating at least one apple a day. I’m currently working through a jar of crunchy pb, but it’s not my favorite. Smooth for the win!

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WIAW: Not Feeling It

Hello friends! Happy Wednesday. 

Today’s post is going to be short and sweet because I’m exhausted and feeling stressed and kind of overwhelmed at the moment (to put it lightly). I have finals next week and have my stats test Monday and my physics, ochem, and bio exams in a row on Wednesday-Friday. The thought of how much friggin’ material I have to learn and review is making me feel sick to my stomach. 

On that fun note, onwards!


Hold your horses- big change up here from the usual brown sugar banana oats! I added blueberries and pecans! Try not to get too excited.



Not super proud of this one. Lunch was a big bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats and a can of plain… tuna 😯 . I didn’t even bother to put in it a bowl, just ate it with a fork straight out of a can. Partly because my housemates don’t do their dishes (can you tell I’m in a pissy mood?) and partly because I’m a college kid and don’t need to keep up real-people appearances. I’ll spare you a picture since it looks like cat food. Meow. 



The good stuff! A Thai tea and pineapple fried rice because I had just taken a demoralizing test and needed to eat my feelings out. 


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Overall I’m feeling kinda blah. I haven’t gone to the gym in over a week since I’ve been so busy with class and studying. Kyle and I were at the library from 5 p.m till almost 1 in the morning yesterday night and my legs are ITCHING to move. I might treat myself to a workout tomorrow if I can.

OH! And exciting news as of today. I had two recipes from Apple of My Eye featured on The Huffington Post (!!!!!!!!!). I die. This means I can be a full-time blogger now, right? 😉

Anyways, off to do more work. Hope you’re having a good week so far!

WIAW: Don’t Eat Oats in a Rush & Ribs. Mhm.

 Happy Wednesday, all! I’d like to say I’m happy the week is moving by so quickly, but the prospect of having to take my physics midterm next week is putting a damper on my excitement for the weekend. On the bright side, Kyle and I are celebrating our 3 1/2 year anniversary the night after my exam, and he’s planning out a special date night for the two of us! I know, I know. Three and half years doesn’t seem like a long time for a lot of people, but we’re young’ins so it’s a milestone for us! 

Anyways, I’m sure you didn’t come here to hear me complain. Let’s get to the food. Onwards! 


I had planned to go to the gym before my 9am class, but caught up reading blogs so I ended up being in a time-crunch. Breakfast was a hot bowl of brown sugar banana oats while I rushed madly around my apartment getting my things ready to go. I’m sorry, but trying to stuff super hot oatmeal down your throat really takes away from their enjoyment level.

brown sugar banana oats

At the gym, I did a quick 20 minute warmup on the elliptical before doing an ab routine. I’m really lazy about training my tum, so any day where I focus solely on them is unusual for me. Also, I’ve realized that I don’t ever refer to my midsection as my “stomach”. It’s always tum. In our apartment, my best friends and I have developed a habit of shortening words. For example: my roommate Lakshmi asked me today if I had any chocolate. I ask her if she wants a “bun”. She immediately knows what I mean and I hand her a leftover chocolate bunny from Easter. 

Coffee Break:

After my gym session and first class of the day, I had an hour break before I had to run over to my physics lecture. I took the time to go grab a coffee cake and cup of jo to snack on as I read my stats textbook outside. Today was an absolutely gorgeous day and it got to the point where it was almost too hot. I’m typing up this post on my bed and am hoping I’ll be able to sleep comfortably when it’s so warm! 

UCSB Nicoletti's


After my physics class finished at 12:15, I was starving. I headed over to grab an enormous salad and homemade whole wheat bread stick from our college’s main eating area. The salad was only so-so, but the bread was to die for! I’m constantly on the lookout for healthy alternatives that actually taste good, so I’m hoping to recreate a similar bread recipe at home!


After lunch, I had a 2 o’ clock stats section that went by quickly. Then, it was back home to throw some ribs in the crockpot, inhale an orange, and drive to my bio lab. Luckily, it was a super short and easy one that just focused on the lifecycle of various plants and identifying different plant parts under a microscope. Usually they’re much more intensive, so it was a nice little break from the norm. 


Once I got back, I took the ribs out of the slow cooker, reduced the sauce they cooked in, and dinner was served! They turned out fantastically and Kyle could not get over the sweet and salty flavors. I grew up eating asian-style ribs (soy sauce+brown sugar lovin’), so that’s how I usually make them if I get the chance! Look at all that sticky-sweet goodness! 

Pre-smothering by the reduced sauce

Pre-smothering by the reduced sauce

Asian Style Ribs Crockpot

The rest of the night was spent reading various textbooks and watching the newest episode of The Following with Kyle over some S’mores ice cream. It was a busy, but productive day!

Question of the Day: What is the best thing you’ve eaten today?  

WIAW: A Day In The Life

Today was a jam-packed day. Or, to describe it more accurately, it was an apple butter-packed day. I know, I know. Worst intro ever

Anyways, it’s been a busy day, but the fruits of my labor (okay, I promise to stop now) are paying off and I’m starting off my Winter quarter on the right foot and (hopefully) am getting into a pattern of balancing school work with cooking, workouts, blogging, friends, and Kyle

Here’s a look into my busy Tuesday with interjections of my eats courtesy of WIAW! Thanks, Jenn, for hosting! 

My day started around 6:10 a.m and I groggily checked my phone, which I keep on a desk next to my bed. Now that I think about it, I probably am going to end up from some sort of unknown cancer from having all those cell phone rays (is that even a thing) so close to my brain. Anyways, I digress. So I opened my phone, read some emails, promptly read them over again because I can’t understand or compute anything at 6:10 in the morning, and then nimbly dropped it on my face because I have the world’s best motor skills. Not fun, but it certainly woke me up! 


I crawled out of bed, took a shower, half-did my makeup, read and commented on a few lovely blogs, and ate a breakfast of yogurt, cottage cheese, and fruit. (Too boring to post a picture).

Then, I rushed to my 8 a.m Organic Chemistry class and sat through a long lecture. By the end of it, my brain juices were basically depleted, so I used the 40 minutes between my Chemistry and French class to grab a mocha from our campuses’ cafe and browse Pinterest/answer a few emails on my iPad mini (thanks Dad- I love it!).

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Then, it was off to my French class, followed by an interesting biology lecture on ecology. While I had a busy day, I was done with class by 12:30 and had plenty of time to work on non-school related things!

I came back to my apartment, cleaned up the living room/took down Christmas decorations, started making my Pumpkin Spice Apple Butter while watching Dexter on Netflix, and prepared a fast and easy lunch. I know it sounds like a weird combo, but that apple butter (which tastes like the inside of an apple pie, by the way) pairs AMAZINGLY with cottage cheese. I made a big batch to have as a healthy, protein-packed snack or breakfast.DSC_1828 DSC_1831I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this yet before, but I recently was contacted and hired by a women’s fitness and health website as a freelance writer (!!!). This is actually the second job opportunity that I’ve had directly due to Apple of My Eye, and I can’t even express how cool it is to have a hobby lead to new work experiences! Anyways, one of my first couple assignments is to create a recipe and write a corresponding post with it.

Here’s a small (unbaked) teaser of the healthy Apple Crumble Fruit Bars I created! 

DSC_1846After the bars were done baking, I walked over to a nearby small gym that is owned by our apartment complex and did 25 minutes of a HITT elliptical workout, followed by a 20 minute interval workout on the treadmill. To round everything off, I did a few arm and leg exercises (holy jump lunges). 

IMG_3983Once I got back, I snacked on a banana while I cooked up some panko crusted salmon, Balsamic Garlic Brussels Sprouts, and brown rice for dinner for Kyle and I. Kyle was off playing tennis till 9 at night, so I wanted to make sure he had a good dinner waiting for him when he got back!

IMG_3990 IMG_3992Post-dinner work included writing up most of the article for my recipe, replying to a few more emails, and studying a bit for my classes. Oh, and a bit of online shopping on Hautelook. How cute is this?!

Cute pink workout topNow, time to sleep!


WIAW: Road Trippin’

Hey guys! I know it’s odd for me to be posting twice in one day, but I couldn’t help wanting to get in on the WIAW fun even after spending a good amount of time on my post on How to Increase Your Pinterest Traffic

Here are some of my eats from my road trip back from Tahoe! Not what I usually have, but when you’re on the road for 8+ hours, stopping at Taco Bell and gas stations to eat are your only options and sound pretty damn food.

Lunch was a bowl thing from Taco Bell. Complete with guac, corn, black beans, and chicken. Not too bad for fast food! 

IMG_1454Also, can we take a minute to appreciate the awesome lighting the window in the restaurant (can we call fast food places that?) was? Look at that light scraping across the meal. Food blogger problems, I tell ya. 

Snacks: half a coke slurpee (too sweet and gave me a headache to drink the whole thing). I couldn’t resist getting one of these when we stopped for a bathroom break. I remember getting one for a treat after most of my soccer tournaments and games when I was younger with my dad. I used to be able to down a huge one without any problem at all! Guess I’m getting more and more like my mom everyday and am starting to lose my sweet tooth ( :( )


A quick bar before lunch to help tide me over:

IMG_1459After arriving home after a looong drive, we put away our suitcases and bags before heading to my Obachan’s (Japanese Grandma) house for a small New Year’s dinner. We’ll be going over again tomorrow for lunch (New Years is a big deal for Japanese people), but it was so nice to have a delicious and healthy dinner waiting for us when we got back. 


And there you have it! I’m exhausted, but had a great trip.Skiing Couple

Hope your New Year Eve celebrating is going swimmingly. Mine is being spent in my pjs catching up on some Netflix. Paartyy!