New Kicks

Ahhh it’s so nice to be home for the summer and have plenty of time to relax!

My sister and I (we both go to the same college) moved out yesterday and have a glorious amount of time to do whatever our hearts desire ;).

Sistas from the same mista

Sistas from the same mista

I HAD to go workout because… my new babies arrived!!! I’m a lover of all things obnoxious, so these shoes are right up my alley. They fit perfectly and are so so so cute! I almost don’t want to wear them and just put up a shrine to honor them instead.


I joined a nearby gym call Equinox and the amenities there are so friggin’ amazing. The cost for membership is sky high, but I got a pretty good deal overall. I get two free personal training sessions which I’m looking forward to! It’s always good to change up your routine a bit.

At the gym I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and alternated the resistance from 12 to 15 every 5 minutes. By the end I was a sweaty mess (my shoes still looked great, though ;)). They have refrigerated lavender scented wet towels along with the normal dry ones. Heaven. After my cardio sesh I hit up the weights and did a hodgepodge of full body exercises.


When I got home I proceeded to shower and then take a wonderful nap.  I woke up feeling like a slug, but in a good way. Bliss. I unpacked a few of my last items and then made some Thai Tea to have on hand! That stuff is crack and I’m so glad that I learned how to make it myself.


Dinner was at my Obachan’s house (Japanese grandma) and was delicious as always!


Tonight is scary movie night with my sister and tomorrow I’ll be going to a full body workout class with an old friend! I hope all of you had a wonderful Saturday :).

xoxo Christine


  1. says

    I love the obnoxiously bright Nikes 😀 I have a pair of pink ones that always manages to make me smile. And scary movie night? I’m impressed. The last scary movie I willingly watched was The Ring, back in 2002, and after not being able to sleep for something like 2 weeks, I swore off horror flicks for good. What can I say? I’m a total wimp when it comes to those things.

    • says

      Same! I love bright colors.
      I’m usually the exact same way as you, I’m impressed that you were able to watch The Ring though! I usually cower behind a pillow and whimper during the majority of a scary film to be honest haha. As long as it’s not exorcism or doll themed, though, I can manage to sit through it!

  2. says

    Cute picture with your sister :) Congrats on being done with school for now. Welcome summer!

    Grandmas always have the best food. It’s so cool that even coming from different cultures that fact remains the same. The rice and cooked meat look so yummy :)

  3. says

    “They have refrigerated lavender scented wet towels along with the normal dry ones.” Uhm, take me to your gym, please and thank you! :)

    I LOVE all of Nike’s shoes–my feet and my body just hate them. I wish they liked them more so that I could have pretty colorful Nikes, but alas… :(

    • says

      I’ll see you there ;).

      I’ve actually had that problem before too with other Nike’s. They usually don’t give me enough structure and I don’t find them that comfortable. The 2013 version though is great though!

  4. says

    LOVE the shoes…My adidas are HOT PINK and they are beyond done now (on the hunt for some new ones) but I LOVE the obxniousness!

    You and your sister are such cuties :)

  5. says

    Wow, your gym sounds awesome! Also, those shoes are so cool. I’m just about in need of a new pair of shoes for the gym and will definitely be getting a super bright, obnoxious pair when the time comes!

    • says

      I totally agree! I’m the same with most Nike’s. The 2013 version they came out with is actually much more comfortable and they’re great for running!

  6. says

    My sister is about to move down and live with me while we go to college :) Those shoes are legit! It sounds like your gym will be well worth the money you paid with two personal training sessions! The dinner your Grandma made you looks really good!

    • says

      That’s so cool! My sister is at the same college, but we don’t live together. I know right? It’s a good deal since they’re usually so expensive

  7. says

    Those shoes are SO CUTE (: You and your sister are both so pretty! You have the most amazing hair. I’m jealous of your gym… Lavender scented towels?? That’s so nice (:

  8. says

    Your shoes are adorable! I love the minty color :) And the chopsticks at your grandmother’s are adorable! Also, your new gym with lavender cool towels is so fancy! I wish my gym had those!

    • says

      Thanks! I love the Tiffany blue color that’s been all the rage lately. My grandma literally has a hundred different pairs to choose from! Gotta eat with style, right ;)?

  9. says

    Love those shoes! I’m looking for some bright ones for weight lifting as I’m sick of wearing my running shoes to Body Pump class.

    • says

      You should definitely treat yourself to some! I actually got mine new in their box from eBay for only $80. Such a good deal for 2013 new Nike’s! Let me know which ones you end up going, I have a shoe addiction!

New Kicks

Ahhh it’s so nice to be home for the summer and have plenty of time to relax!

My sister and I (we both go to the same college) moved out yesterday and have a glorious amount of time to do whatever our hearts desire ;).

Sistas from the same mista

Sistas from the same mista

I HAD to go workout because… my new babies arrived!!! I’m a lover of all things obnoxious, so these shoes are right up my alley. They fit perfectly and are so so so cute! I almost don’t want to wear them and just put up a shrine to honor them instead.


I joined a nearby gym call Equinox and the amenities there are so friggin’ amazing. The cost for membership is sky high, but I got a pretty good deal overall. I get two free personal training sessions which I’m looking forward to! It’s always good to change up your routine a bit.

At the gym I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and alternated the resistance from 12 to 15 every 5 minutes. By the end I was a sweaty mess (my shoes still looked great, though ;)). They have refrigerated lavender scented wet towels along with the normal dry ones. Heaven. After my cardio sesh I hit up the weights and did a hodgepodge of full body exercises.


When I got home I proceeded to shower and then take a wonderful nap.  I woke up feeling like a slug, but in a good way. Bliss. I unpacked a few of my last items and then made some Thai Tea to have on hand! That stuff is crack and I’m so glad that I learned how to make it myself.


Dinner was at my Obachan’s house (Japanese grandma) and was delicious as always!


Tonight is scary movie night with my sister and tomorrow I’ll be going to a full body workout class with an old friend! I hope all of you had a wonderful Saturday :).

xoxo Christine


  1. says

    I love the obnoxiously bright Nikes 😀 I have a pair of pink ones that always manages to make me smile. And scary movie night? I’m impressed. The last scary movie I willingly watched was The Ring, back in 2002, and after not being able to sleep for something like 2 weeks, I swore off horror flicks for good. What can I say? I’m a total wimp when it comes to those things.

    • says

      Same! I love bright colors.
      I’m usually the exact same way as you, I’m impressed that you were able to watch The Ring though! I usually cower behind a pillow and whimper during the majority of a scary film to be honest haha. As long as it’s not exorcism or doll themed, though, I can manage to sit through it!

  2. says

    Cute picture with your sister :) Congrats on being done with school for now. Welcome summer!

    Grandmas always have the best food. It’s so cool that even coming from different cultures that fact remains the same. The rice and cooked meat look so yummy :)

  3. says

    “They have refrigerated lavender scented wet towels along with the normal dry ones.” Uhm, take me to your gym, please and thank you! :)

    I LOVE all of Nike’s shoes–my feet and my body just hate them. I wish they liked them more so that I could have pretty colorful Nikes, but alas… :(

    • says

      I’ll see you there ;).

      I’ve actually had that problem before too with other Nike’s. They usually don’t give me enough structure and I don’t find them that comfortable. The 2013 version though is great though!

  4. says

    LOVE the shoes…My adidas are HOT PINK and they are beyond done now (on the hunt for some new ones) but I LOVE the obxniousness!

    You and your sister are such cuties :)

  5. says

    Wow, your gym sounds awesome! Also, those shoes are so cool. I’m just about in need of a new pair of shoes for the gym and will definitely be getting a super bright, obnoxious pair when the time comes!

    • says

      I totally agree! I’m the same with most Nike’s. The 2013 version they came out with is actually much more comfortable and they’re great for running!

  6. says

    My sister is about to move down and live with me while we go to college :) Those shoes are legit! It sounds like your gym will be well worth the money you paid with two personal training sessions! The dinner your Grandma made you looks really good!

    • says

      That’s so cool! My sister is at the same college, but we don’t live together. I know right? It’s a good deal since they’re usually so expensive

  7. says

    Those shoes are SO CUTE (: You and your sister are both so pretty! You have the most amazing hair. I’m jealous of your gym… Lavender scented towels?? That’s so nice (:

  8. says

    Your shoes are adorable! I love the minty color :) And the chopsticks at your grandmother’s are adorable! Also, your new gym with lavender cool towels is so fancy! I wish my gym had those!

    • says

      Thanks! I love the Tiffany blue color that’s been all the rage lately. My grandma literally has a hundred different pairs to choose from! Gotta eat with style, right ;)?

  9. says

    Love those shoes! I’m looking for some bright ones for weight lifting as I’m sick of wearing my running shoes to Body Pump class.

    • says

      You should definitely treat yourself to some! I actually got mine new in their box from eBay for only $80. Such a good deal for 2013 new Nike’s! Let me know which ones you end up going, I have a shoe addiction!