Lightened-Up Cheesy Garlic Noodles

Lightened-Up Cheesy Garlic Noodles

Guess who got an A+ in productivity today? THIS GIRL. I’ve been up and running and knocking things off my to-do list left and right. POW POW.

I got up and did a few bloggy things over a homemade latte, went on a gorgeous 3 mile run at the beach, picked up some props for my photos from Michael’s, went to the grocery store, started typing up the newest income report, unsuccessfully made homemade banana chips (womp womp womp), but countered that failure with a big success: Lightened-Up Cheesy Garlic Noodles.

I also ate a copious amount of homemade pie and turned my brain into boogers with all the Keeping Up with the Kardashians I’ve been watching. So there’s that as well 😯 .

So anyways, I’m eating these noodles in front of the tv and am getting a little too wrapped up in Khloe’s love life. In this episode, her sisters secretly set up a profile for her on an online dating site and are setting her up with some randoms. That’s the way to true love, my friends.

Lightened-Up Cheesy Garlic Noodles

I think I’m developing a Netflix problem. Since I can get a ton of series instantly, I’ve been binge watching like no other. I’ve learned that if I want to get anything done at all, I need to completely shut off the tv. I try to convince myself that I will reply to emails and type up lab reports after juuust one more show, but Netflix automatically plays the next episode for you unless you click out after a few seconds. And once another episode starts, it’s like rude or something to turn it off. Right?

Mindless reality tv also lends itself to mindless eating and, looking down at the pot (who uses actual plates these days…pshh) I’m already halfway through the entire batch. WOOPS. But can you blame me?! Cheese yummyness. Garlic. GAH. It’s so simple and comes together in just 20 minutes, yet I could eat it all day err’day. I want to swim in a pool of cheesy garlic noodles.

And by swim I mean eat my way through it.

So here’s to a super easy, super speedy, super delicious dinner or lunch that just happens to be on the lighter side as well in terms of calories. WOO!

Lightened-Up Cheesy Garlic Noodles


Baked Broccoli Chicken Alfredo

So imagine this. In my belleh. All over my clothes and hands. Creamy white cheese sauce dripping down my face and I look like a toddler trying to eat and missing my mouth but I just don’t care because it’s so damn delicious and I want to swim in it. The cheese, you guys!! 

The other day I mentioned my excitement over having bought a new white baking dish. I didn’t mention that the #1 reason I’ve bought four new baking dishes in the last two weeks is so I can get the perfect baked pasta shot. Actually, I only ordered two initially but was smart enough to leave them at my parent’s house on accident during a weekend trip home. Going off me resembling a toddler, I also have zero patience and I just couldnotwait for them to come up to visit me in a week. How could I when supah cheesy baked pasta was calling my name?

Baked Broccoli Chicken Alfredo. Super easy and with so much cheesy goodness!

Look at it. Just look at it. You have so much good stuff packed in one pan. So here we go, I’ll tell you guys the game plan. Everyone huddle up! So first, we’re going to take a pile of cheese and melt it till it’s all gooey-like in a ridiculously easy garlic-y homemade sauce. Then, we’re going to use that mouthwatering sauce to smother juicy chicken and vibrant broccoli. Pour it aaallll into that pretty new baking dish of ours and go crazy with fresh parmesan on top because really, why not. Now stick that beautiful mess into the oven and pace back and forth restlessly as everything melds gloriously together. Try your best not to let the delicious smells tempt you into reaching in and grabbing a piece to sample. You’ll burn yourself. Don’t ask me how I know this. When that timer goes off, have a quick dance party to celebrate and dish yourself up a big lo’ plate. Devour it. Then get seconds.

Ready? HIKE!

Baked Broccoli Chicken Alfredo. Super easy and with so much cheesy goodness!

Baked Broccoli Chicken Alfredo. Super easy and with so much cheesy goodness!

Roasted Garlic Asparagus Chicken Spaghetti


I would truly appreciate it if you could help keep Apple of My Eye running and share this recipe on Pinterest!500 calorie healthy Roasted Garlic Asparagus and Chicken Parmesan Spaghetti! Packed with 37 grams of protein and done in a flash! Getting photos for this dish was a hassle. For some reason, the sun has been refusing to come out, which left me frustrated when it came to getting good quality lighting. I swear, the clouds were being purposefully spiteful to mock me. Rude. 

When I first cooked this beauty up, I had to wait three whole hours to get a bit of sunshine to peak through my window. When I saw it, it was GO GO GO time. Cue the mission impossible theme song, because this girl was on a mission. 

And you know what? It was worth it. I completely believe that you eat with your eyes first, and running a food blog sortakindamaybe requires that my photography be up to par. And look! Sparkly parmesan! Juicy chicken! Woohoo! I win!

500 calorie healthy Roasted Garlic Asparagus and Chicken Parmesan Spaghetti! Packed with 37 grams of protein and done in a flash!

The beauty of this recipe comes with its simplicity. You take a bunch of fresh and healthy ingredients, throw them together, and you’re bound to end up with something good! Adding a small but tastebud-worthy twist comes with roasting the asparagus with garlic beforehand, giving the dish an extra flavor boost. 

And I mean, seriously, could healthy comfort food get any better? Cheesy goodness blended with savory chicken and an extra crunch of texture from the garlic-y asparagus. 

So go ahead! Toss that gorgeous emerald asparagus with some chicken, extra garlic (can you tell I <3 it?), cherry tomatoes, onions, and parmesan cheese and you’re in for a healthy meal done in no time at all! 

500 calorie healthy Roasted Garlic Asparagus and Chicken Parmesan Spaghetti! Packed with 37 grams of protein and done in a flash!

All in all, one big ol’ serving of steamy hot pasta has less that 500 calories and 37 grams of protein! Be kind to your body and satisfy your pasta cravings with this healthy substitute instead of reaching for a calorie and saturated fat-laden alfredo from your nearby pasta joint. 

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get eatin’!

500 calorie healthy Roasted Garlic Asparagus and Chicken Parmesan Spaghetti! Packed with 37 grams of protein and done in a flash!