Hi friends, hope your week is going well! I’m linking up with Amanda today for a post filled with random thoughts and reflections. Thanks, Amanda, for hosting!
1. First off, I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your kind and sincere words regarding Monday’s post. Kyle and I were fortunate to have left to go home for the weekend a few hours before the shooting started and heard the news from the safety of our hometown. My school is still in shock, but we are all doing are best to try to return to some sense of normalcy and classes have resumed after a long Memorial weekend and a designated day of mourning on Tuesday. Sending all of you big hugs.
2. Since it’s been a while since I’ve posted, I haven’t shared what my long weekend included! On Saturday, I tagged along with Kyle and his parents to go take some pictures of his little brother’s prom. It felt like just yesterday that Kyle and I were at our senior prom and it was SO bizarre to see all the youngins all dressed up! We drove over to some of the nearby cliffs for a quick photoshoot with a million other high schoolers and I snapped a few keepers.
Funny thing: whenever I upload pictures of Adam to Facebook, it automatically tries to tag him as Kyle from their Facebook recognition technology. every. single. time. Other than it being kinda annoying to have to click a million times to tag a picture correctly, I think it’s cute that they look so similar. Good genes in that family!
Annnnnnd since I couldn’t resist, throwback to our prom!
I promise he likes me 😯 😯 .
3. Remember how I mentioned that I was working on some new freelance projects? Well, here’s my latest recipe! So much cheese. So much love <3.
4. BABY CHICKS. Kyle’s family has a small barn in their backyard and just got a new batch of chicks in. Nuff’ said.
5. Meet my newfound love. We’ve only just been introduced, but I think it’s the start of a beautiful and long-lasting relationship. And no, I don’t have a new boyfriend, just a new topping for my morning oatmeal. Homemade candied sea salt pecans. Swoon.
And since it’s 12:30 and my arms feel like they’re going to fall off from the gym, it’s time to stop typing and hit the hay. Have a great Thursday, all!