Pins I’m Loving: Style Edition

If I had to pick my dream job, I would be a professional Pinterest pinner. That site sucks up so much of my time and I love endlessly scrolling through the site to find inspiration in regards to how I dress myself. Not that I really wear much else other than workout clothes and pajamas. But hey, a girl can dream!

All pictures via my Pinterest Boards!

Now this is a ring…d5c1e05068a1bda10f96f02ee1b42e51Looks simple, but probably would just tie my hair in a knot haha!

9136ac3a086e91ae6de667624758ae68 acb14759e76be9f041ca258d88b531e4e920e2c93f40140870af94a4872f7e68

2f499cc463777b27334b3eaff47b8668Holy smokes… this dress is rad. 

67252e44e09ac67806296d480a809918ee55efeaae59429ea6296624dffc425e 5734877137b3d04519a4ffcc40ec65c2 7dd264736f7029a4a4bbb6ae5e541e5a53eac5ea8df51472ef3e09e23d34614a

Sparkles… I die.aa332b39d0b52017f7772dd10c765e31Thinking about changing up my hair. Love this color and cut! Think I can pull of a dirty blonde? 
