Wednesday Weights and the Turtle

Yesterday stated off with an 8:30 trip to the gym before my 10 o’ clock history class. I met up with my friend Hot Ryan and we got in an awesome hour long weight lifting session! It’s so much fun to go with him and he’s so helpful when it comes to pushing me to get in that extra rep or spotting me, especially with bench pressing. I have to say, I’m so sore right now. I LOVE THAT FEELING!


I went to my class straight from the gym and it was definitely an informative one.

I love history.

I love history.

The rest of my day passed pretty quickly and I’m happy to say that the French test I had went very well.

After my last class I met up with Kyle for a coffee date!


D’awwwwww he’s so cute!

We got a ton of goodies. For drinks, I got a nonfat latte and he got the coffee shop’s “Turtle”. Probably the most delicious thing ever and I definitely stole a good amount by taking some sneaky sips ;). We also shared some coffee cake, but ended up only eating about a quarter of it even though it was delicious!


The rest of my day was pretty uneventful, just filled with tons and tons of work for school. I can’t wait for the summer!

Hope you had a wonderful Wednesday!

xoxo Christine

Do You Even Lift? ;)

Today started off with a bang! I got up around 7:15, read some blogs, then got dressed to head out for a quick run. I ate a small protein bar to give me a little energy to work with, drank a bottle of water, and then headed out the door.


My run went as well as can be expected. I haven’t run in a while, so it was hard to get myself motivated to put some miles under my shoes. Ideally, I’d like to be running at least three times a week. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep at it more :). There’s something addictive about running and I’m already pumped to go out again tomorrow!

I ended up running for a little over 30 minutes in a loop around my school. I’m not sure how many miles I covered since my Zombies, Run! iPhone app had had some new developments and I was too eager to go to figure out how to start a new mission. The program has a built in GPS tracking system that tells you your miles and pace. All I know is that I had a good run and was super shhweaatyy by the end! My heart rate was consistently high, so I’m also happy about that.

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After that, I went back to my room to grab my gym things and to meet Tiana to let her borrow some workout clothes. We biked on over to the gym to get in a good lifting sesh and to pump mad iron ;).

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We had a GREAT full-body workout and I can tell that I’m going to be especially sore tomorrow. Love that feeling!

Kyle also met us at the gym. Hurray for gym dates! I’m so glad that he’s not one of those ignorant guys who scoff at women who do more than just cardio. Kyle has always been supportive in every possible way :).



Not too shabby for doing weights alone :)

Not too shabby for doing weights alone :)

We ended up walking home since Tiana’s bike had a flat tire, and by the time we got back, we were all starving! I ended up getting an egg white omelet with all the fixings, fresh fruit with some yogurt and cottage cheese, and some black coffee (x2). I also nibbled on some coffee cake. It tastes unbelievably good paired with the coffee. That’s probably why they call it coffee cake haha… What an epiphany!

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How have your experiences been with talking to men about lifting? 

I can’t wait to take a nice, long shower! Catch ya’ll later!

Do You Even Lift? ;)

Today started off with a bang! I got up around 7:15, read some blogs, then got dressed to head out for a quick run. I ate a small protein bar to give me a little energy to work with, drank a bottle of water, and then headed out the door.


My run went as well as can be expected. I haven’t run in a while, so it was hard to get myself motivated to put some miles under my shoes. Ideally, I’d like to be running at least three times a week. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep at it more :). There’s something addictive about running and I’m already pumped to go out again tomorrow!

I ended up running for a little over 30 minutes in a loop around my school. I’m not sure how many miles I covered since my Zombies, Run! iPhone app had had some new developments and I was too eager to go to figure out how to start a new mission. The program has a built in GPS tracking system that tells you your miles and pace. All I know is that I had a good run and was super shhweaatyy by the end! My heart rate was consistently high, so I’m also happy about that.

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After that, I went back to my room to grab my gym things and to meet Tiana to let her borrow some workout clothes. We biked on over to the gym to get in a good lifting sesh and to pump mad iron ;).

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We had a GREAT full-body workout and I can tell that I’m going to be especially sore tomorrow. Love that feeling!

Kyle also met us at the gym. Hurray for gym dates! I’m so glad that he’s not one of those ignorant guys who scoff at women who do more than just cardio. Kyle has always been supportive in every possible way :).



Not too shabby for doing weights alone :)

Not too shabby for doing weights alone :)

We ended up walking home since Tiana’s bike had a flat tire, and by the time we got back, we were all starving! I ended up getting an egg white omelet with all the fixings, fresh fruit with some yogurt and cottage cheese, and some black coffee (x2). I also nibbled on some coffee cake. It tastes unbelievably good paired with the coffee. That’s probably why they call it coffee cake haha… What an epiphany!

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How have your experiences been with talking to men about lifting? 

I can’t wait to take a nice, long shower! Catch ya’ll later!