I feel like a slug. This past weekend was one spent mostly lounging around in the hot hot hot weather and I feel like I’ve been living in a sleepy haze. The last few days have escaped me! Anyways, here’s what I’ve been up to.
Saturday was spent waking up slowly with a homemade latte and continuing my weird obsession with the show Once Upon a Time. You guys. I don’t even like it that much anymore (I’m on the 3rd season), but I feel like I can’t escape its clutches until I finish the entire series. I just need to watch the last season and then I can continue on with my life 😯 . On that note, does anyone have any other good series to watch? I’ve already seen all of Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, The Office, Scandal, and Lost and need some more inspiration.
After a while, Kyle and I worked on a new recipe that’s coming to you guys tomorrow! Any guesses? Here’s a hint: It involves lots of vibrant colors from fresh veggies and has a great crunch to it!
Sunday started similarly with my daily double shot latte before taking a quick shower and getting ready to go to church with Kyle.
After church, we headed over to Starbucks and OH MY GOSH. I’m totally going to sound like your typical Fall-loving white girl, but pumpkin spice lattes have returned and I’m preeetttyyyy darn excited. I like to pretend that I know what seasons are, but I’m going to be honest and admit that I enjoyed my PSL latte in 90 degree weather.
Two of my favorite things: Kyle and Starbucks!
After grabbing our coffee, we headed over to Chipotle to grab some lunch before making a quick trip to Home Depot to get some supplies for a couple projects Kyle wants to do. The man-crafting bug has totally bit him and he is itching to build new things. His latest project? Electrochemical etching and building his own metal phone case from scratch. He is a mechanical engineer through-and-through.
We were also on the hunt for some rustic looking boards for a new back drop for my photography. Unfortunately, the ones we found were little too clean-cut for my liking, since I’m searching for more of a barn-table look. I just did quick search on eBay, though, and found a few gems that I think will work perfectly!
Now I just need to pick which set I like the most and set Kyle to work with putting it together and painting/staining it. I’m lucky to have a handyman who is happiest when he’s busy making things with his hands .
So there you have it! My weekend in a nutshell.
Question of the Day: What is the most eventful thing to happen to you this weekend?