Thinking Out Loud: Meet-Ups & Malevolent Toasters

Oh hai there, Thursday, you’re finally here! I’m pretty excited for this weekend since Kyle and I have some fun things planned. Let’s get on to some Thursday randomness hosted by the lovely Amanda!

1. Shockingly, I’ve never met up with someone I’ve come to know from blogging before!

When Kailey contacted me on Twitter to meet up at the local farmer’s market (We live reeeeallly close to one another), I jumped at the opportunity! Oddly, I was a little nervous about meeting someone in person, but those nerves were soon put to rest because she is just the c-u-t-e-s-t piece of sunshine ever! We grabbed some Starbucks, strolled the stalls (she got free carrots AND a free Japanese sweet potato from the vendors… score), and just chatted for an hour and half or so. It was wonderful!

Meet Up DSC_0967 DSC_0969


So I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this on the blog before, but I love Taylor Swift. I understand why people don’t like her and I’m not saying her music is super deep or of the best quality, but I DON’T CARE OK. She’s my homegirl and I listen to her songs on repeat. This is her first new album in 2 years, so I was more than ready to hear a bit of her new style and pre-ordered it well in advance 😯 . I have to say, though, that I kinda miss her old country-ish music. 


3. Do you guys still want monthly income reports?

I haven’t posted on in the last few months because 1. I’ve been super busy and 2. I don’t know if you guys are getting much out of them since I feel like I’m repeating things like a broken record.

July Income Report

4. I’ve been feeling kind of antsy about my hair lately and have been thinking about going slightly lighter with some pretty caramel highlights put in. I wouldn’t be going bleach blonde or anything, but sometimes a girl needs change. Thoughts?

 5. The toaster scares the hell out of me.

I get startled extremely easily and I honestly can’t stand next to the toaster if I know it’s going to pop the toast up soon. Like, toast comes viciously SPRINGING OUT of this malevolent machine and gives me a heart attack. ARE YOU KIDDING ME TOASTER. STOP IT. Just me? 😯 😯 😯 . It’s probably just me, huh. 


6. Is it Fall yet?

While the rest of the country gets the joys of crunchy leaves, boots, and sweaters, I’m still in sundresses and sandals. It’s hard to enjoy your pumpkin spice latte (#whitegirl) when you sweat while you’re drinking it… 

Anwhoooo, it’s time for bed! Hope ya’ll are having a great week so far!



  1. says

    I love Taylor too! I genuinely don’t understand all the hate for her, I think she seems so down-to-earth and just lovely?!

    Also, I totally share your nervousness about toasters! Horror movies are just no-go’s for me, I just don’t enjoy them at all :/

  2. says

    That toaster picture hahah um yeah it’s just you. TS is my home girl too… I didn’t go as far as to preorder her album, but I really do like her and I feel like we would be real life friends if, ya know, I was famous.

  3. says

    Okay, I literally JUST defended my love for Taylor Swift in today’s post. Why do we need to explain ourselves?! Girl’s got jams.

    That’s hilarious about the toaster – I am the exact opposite. The moment my toast comes up I jump for joy, prance on over and devour those little pieces of wonderfulness. OK maybe not “prance”…I think this means I need to go eat breakfast now. 😉

  4. says

    And that’s exactly why I don’t own a toaster — SO stressful. I use a toaster oven when I need something toasted, which works perfectly since I use it for a lot of my baking as well 😆 And I think your hair is gorgeous now, but I definitely understand wanting a change. I’ve always been a fan of darker hair so I say do a dark espresso brown with maybe some caramel highlights 😛

  5. says

    Blogger meet-ups! Aren’t they THE best??! I’m so happy to hear you had your first. Can we meet next? (: Especially if you’re also in need of some fall-ish atmosphere you should really hop over here, haha. On a side note your pictures from the meet-up are totally amazing again!
    Yes, toasters are evil and I don’t own one. As are some microwaves – and this is coming from me as a microwave fiend using it every day. But just walk away for a second too long … damage.

  6. says

    Keep doing the income reports. Even if you think it’s a broken record its a record of your accomplishment, and we can all learn from them.
    Also yay for blogger meet ups. I just scheduled my first meet up in NYC next weekend! I’m excited for it!

  7. Autumn Wieland says

    Ah I like your hair the way it is! But hey a jenna marbles purple or something would be cool, too! 😉
    Yes about the toaster! I sometimes stand over it when I think its gonna pop up just to train myself not to jump! like you knoooow it gonna pop, but it scares you every time!
    I must say I’m not a fan of taylor swift, but more power to you!
    Its definitely fall here, but I still be drinking my psF (frappe), even when its winter I pick frappes over lattes!

  8. Miranda says

    Hahahaha at the toaster comment!!! Our toaster really IS hell… on the lightest setting, we still get burned toast 99.99999% of the time. I think Satan is in there, laughing at my poor charred piece of bread.

  9. says

    So I’m not a T-Swift fan, but I love the design of her album and that’s almost tempting enough to buy it! I enjoy the income reports so I would love to keep seeing them! I would love to meet up with a blogger I interact with someday. Hopefully I get the chance to do that!

  10. says

    I loved reading your monthly income reports! It’s nice to see how your blog is growing and what you’ve learned along the way! I’m just starting out blogging and feel like I know the bloggers I’ve been following for years. I’d love to meet some of them one day!

    • says

      Thanks for your input Joy! I think I’ll put one together for November since I just started a really new and interesting site that helps you make a solid amount via blogging and your social media channels. Blogger meetups are the best! Hope we can meet one day!

  11. says

    Blogger meetups are the best! I’ve only had one (living in the middle of nowhere probs;) but when I come to Cali (don’t know when yet) we are gonna partay! (well.. not literally;) And I think you should still do income reports! I just got accepted to BlogHer (woop!!) and I love seeing what others do to make money!