I’m Alive!

Hi there, friends! I’m alive and survived a hellish set of finals. All of them were tough, but I’ve been pacing myself throughout the quarter (hello 4-6 hours in the library at least four days a week), so most of them were manageable! I’m hoping for mostly As, especially in organic chemistry since it’s been sucking the life out of me… slowly and painfully. GIVE ME MY A!!!!!!

Post-finals EUPHORIA!!!

Post-finals EUPHORIA!!!

Okay, enough sleep-deprived ranting. Here’s what I’ve been up to!

After my last final (ochem) on Thursday, I came back to my apartment and tried to sleep a bit. A few days ago, I started to get sick and I wasn’t able to get too much shut-eye since I had trouble breathing with my stuffy noes. It was fabulous having no guilt over taking a break, though, and I cleaned a bit, then watched a past episode of The Walking Dead with Kyle after he finished his Physics exam. After, we went on a walk around our neighborhood. Isn’t the Santa Barbara area gorgeous?

 image image-3We also stumbled on to our campus labyrinth and spend a good chunk of time wandering towards the middle of it and just chatting. 

image-1Not wanting to get stuck in that horrible LA traffic, we left around 7:30 at night after grabbing some Starbucks. I got a caramel frappuccino with extra caramel and it was the perfect post-finals treat! 

Andddd ever since I’ve been home, I’ve either been sleeping through my cold thanks to the magic of Nyquil or parked on the couch watching Netflix. Life is good!

My posts will be much more regular now, so thanks for stickin’ with me through my finals week :).

What have you all been up to this past week?




  1. says

    Squeeeek, that is so awesome girl, congrats on managing to get through the finals even with a cold! It is always such a relief when they are done. Enjoy your rest-time and I am happy that we get more posts to read soon :)

  2. says

    Ugh, organic chem is horrible!! I’ve been having a rough time with that class lately. Glad you made it through the finals ok, yay!! Enjoy your time off & that gorgeous looking weather!! Please send some of it my way! 😉