Peanut Butter Fingers & Stress

Hello all of my beautiful online friends! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA these past couple of days, I had my math midterm today and have a huge history paper due on Friday so I’ve been on work mode. It’s been quite the busy and stressful week and I haven’t had any time to blog. I missed out on WIAW, which is a big bummer for me, but I’ll recap some of my eats :).


Peanut butter fingers!

Peanut butter fingers! (inspired by one of my favorite bloggers!)

A peanut butter finger followed each practice math question I got right. Food (especially pb) is the perfect reward ;). I think in a past-life I was a dog since this method of training (a.k.a learning) works so effectively for me. Woof.


IMG_2027 IMG_2210 IMG_2207I had a weekday dinner date with my main man tonight and it was… you guessed it! Vietnamese food! I got my usual fried rice with added pineapple (I LOVE salty-sweet combos) and a Thai iced tea. I actually ordered some thai tea leaves to make it myself over the weekend and it was a giant success! I don’t mean to brag or anything, but mine is way better than the restaurant version ;). I might do a giveaway of some of my favorite things and I would definitely include the recipe and ingredients for the tea if anyone would be interested in that. It is so freakin’ delish!

After Starbucks

Classy and mature t-shirt: “T-Rex Hates Pushups”

Vietnamese food

10x happier than any clam!

My workout have been pretty subpar lately since I haven’t had any free time. I find it way too hard to fit in cardio and weights when I’m up till 2 a.m studying and wake up at 5 to review. I’m really looking forward to working up a sweat tomorrow though! Hopefully it won’t be too warm and I can go for a morning run. My legs are itching to move!

xoxo Christine


  1. says

    Hah I totally get the business! I skipped all workouts today in favor of studying. I’m finishing my paper around 1:30 and getting up at 6 for spin…tomorrow is going to be a coffee kind of morning

  2. says

    LOVE the tshirt! One of my friends is a gymnast and he’s crazy muscular and strong, but he can’t get his shoulders far back enough to do a back squat and we joke all the time that he has “t-rex arms,” hah.

    • says

      I’ll definitely include it then! Thai iced tea is the most delicious thing ever. It has such a unique flavor. I’m obsessed ;). Thanks girlie :)

  3. says

    I am so interested in your recipe! I don’t eat Thai so much, but all the meals look wonderful and amazing combos. I love anything sweet and salty too. Best of both worlds :)

    I was just in the same boat with workouts when it came to the end of the semester. No worries, once your done school you’ll be back on your A game :) !!

    • says

      So glad some people are interested! I’ll look into making a giveaway for some :). Hopefully I will be able to get back into my groove like you said :)

  4. says

    Eep! Hope your midterm went, girlie, well and good luck on your paper as well! I remember how hectic those crunch times were when I was still in school, but good snacks and fun dates always make them so much more manageable :)

  5. says

    that’s the perfect learning system 😉 it’s worth sacrificing a little exercise for study time — finals are almost over!!! 😀 i’ve gotten into the habit of reading notes while i go on the elliptical, win-win!

Peanut Butter Fingers & Stress

Hello all of my beautiful online friends! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA these past couple of days, I had my math midterm today and have a huge history paper due on Friday so I’ve been on work mode. It’s been quite the busy and stressful week and I haven’t had any time to blog. I missed out on WIAW, which is a big bummer for me, but I’ll recap some of my eats :).


Peanut butter fingers!

Peanut butter fingers! (inspired by one of my favorite bloggers!)

A peanut butter finger followed each practice math question I got right. Food (especially pb) is the perfect reward ;). I think in a past-life I was a dog since this method of training (a.k.a learning) works so effectively for me. Woof.


IMG_2027 IMG_2210 IMG_2207I had a weekday dinner date with my main man tonight and it was… you guessed it! Vietnamese food! I got my usual fried rice with added pineapple (I LOVE salty-sweet combos) and a Thai iced tea. I actually ordered some thai tea leaves to make it myself over the weekend and it was a giant success! I don’t mean to brag or anything, but mine is way better than the restaurant version ;). I might do a giveaway of some of my favorite things and I would definitely include the recipe and ingredients for the tea if anyone would be interested in that. It is so freakin’ delish!

After Starbucks

Classy and mature t-shirt: “T-Rex Hates Pushups”

Vietnamese food

10x happier than any clam!

My workout have been pretty subpar lately since I haven’t had any free time. I find it way too hard to fit in cardio and weights when I’m up till 2 a.m studying and wake up at 5 to review. I’m really looking forward to working up a sweat tomorrow though! Hopefully it won’t be too warm and I can go for a morning run. My legs are itching to move!

xoxo Christine


  1. says

    Hah I totally get the business! I skipped all workouts today in favor of studying. I’m finishing my paper around 1:30 and getting up at 6 for spin…tomorrow is going to be a coffee kind of morning

  2. says

    LOVE the tshirt! One of my friends is a gymnast and he’s crazy muscular and strong, but he can’t get his shoulders far back enough to do a back squat and we joke all the time that he has “t-rex arms,” hah.

    • says

      I’ll definitely include it then! Thai iced tea is the most delicious thing ever. It has such a unique flavor. I’m obsessed ;). Thanks girlie :)

  3. says

    I am so interested in your recipe! I don’t eat Thai so much, but all the meals look wonderful and amazing combos. I love anything sweet and salty too. Best of both worlds :)

    I was just in the same boat with workouts when it came to the end of the semester. No worries, once your done school you’ll be back on your A game :) !!

    • says

      So glad some people are interested! I’ll look into making a giveaway for some :). Hopefully I will be able to get back into my groove like you said :)

  4. says

    Eep! Hope your midterm went, girlie, well and good luck on your paper as well! I remember how hectic those crunch times were when I was still in school, but good snacks and fun dates always make them so much more manageable :)

  5. says

    that’s the perfect learning system 😉 it’s worth sacrificing a little exercise for study time — finals are almost over!!! 😀 i’ve gotten into the habit of reading notes while i go on the elliptical, win-win!